Friday, February 1, 2008

Goodbye Florida......Hello California

Well, for the fourth time in a year, I have moved. Yes, I said goodbye to Florida on January the 29th and flew to California. Nothing but blue skys and snowy mountains from now on. Yehaw! Oh yeah, I love California where we eat portabella mushrooms and steaks, (yes I said STEAKS!) and CHEESE and all kinds of good things. Californians like me also have access to SNOW! and rain, and wind and all kinds of interesting weather patterns that are hard to experience in a tropical location. But most of all we have a wonderful spirit. The same spirit that sent us all here looking for gold, now keeps all of us going...we may have run out of gold, but the spirit remains and being a Californian Girl (by the way the Beach Boys love me more) is sure to come in handy as I continue all my lifes adventures. (written by Vanessa--yeah, I think this is all that needs to be said and also highlights why I don't post many blogs any more. Somebody keeps coming and messing with me. Don't. Mess. With Me. So go away Vanessa.)

Seriously though, I will really miss Florida. The warmth, the water, the boats, the warmth, the F-16s, the warmth. Yeah, I miss Florida. I had a really great five months there and met some awesome people and had a ton of fun. Hmm. What will I miss most? The water aaannnddd........Howard Livingston. Yes, I am a HUGE Howard fan, as some people can attest. Maybe he'll come to northern California some day? Well, until then I guess I'll settle for the Beach Boys!

Love and miss you Florida!

Hellooooo California!


Anonymous said...

Great post Veronica! I can't wait to hear about (and star in) some more of your adventures!

Veronica said...

Haha, I'm not sure you can handle some of my adventures. (Like the river today.....)

Joe said...

Wow what happened at the river???? I have to say I really like the color of the water behind you in the photo. It must have been warm there.

Anonymous said...

Florida misses you too Veronica, But the Beach boys will be happy to have you back. SNOW, NO!!! Keep that but all the rest sound great.