Oh my gosh! You'll never guess what Joe and I did yesterday!! We went sailing!!!!! Like I told you a couple of weeks ago, Joe challenged and passed the boat exams at the Navy MWR so that he could check a boat out. Yesterday, we went and did the little check out exam (they wanted to make sure that he knew what an outboard is and how to work it, etc) and then we went sailing in the Bay!! We were on a Capri 22, which was a pretty fun, fast little boat. We were out for three and a half hours and had a great time. Sailing down the channel towards downtown to the Midway, the Star of India and the Master and Commander ship took probably 2 hours, but sailing back took only 45 minutes or so. I have to admit I was a little scared (ok, a LOT scared!) when the boat keeled over far enough for me to put my hand in the water from where I was sitting at the tiller, but it was super exciting too! I was at the tiller almost the whole time, which was pretty sweet, and Joe worked the sails for me. We successfully managed to tack and gybe and even managed to outrace a couple of other boats! Gybing scared me a little the first time because we came down to what felt like a full stop and I looked around and it felt like there were a million bigger boats racing towards us and I admit it, I had a slight panic moment ("Ah! Joe, we're sitting ducks, they're going to get us, I can't look, what happened to the wind, are you sure this is safe.....?!") but we survived and it actually became fun to tack and gybe. Tacking into the wind was a little more fun and seemed to maintain our speed a little more than gybing away from the wind, but we got them both down pretty decent. Hopefully, we can get back out on the water once a month or so because I think I'm hooked on it!!
Hope you all have a great week!

It really was a blast wasn't it.... Only one spelling error, it's heeling, not keeling. But I really enjoyed getting out there with you. More to come! I promise, hope you're having fun at home.
See, that is why I should always check with the sailing authority before I post!! I can't wait to get back out there. The last episode of Friends we watched was Rachel trying to teach Joey how to sail on a Catalina that looked exactly like what we went out on! Very fun:) ABTG
Love the picture, Veronica! Glad you had fun!
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