Let me take this first line to apologize to all my non-birdy family and friends for subjecting them to yet another post about, yep you guessed it, birds! I can't help it! They are so pretty and engaging! Take these mallards for instance.
I was down on the beach taking yet more bird pictures (sorry Joe, I'll go through them all some day!) when this trio came running over to see what was going on and to make sure they weren't missing out on anything.
Look at the determination in that waddle! And then before I knew it, we were getting intimately acquanted with each other's faces.
They were not shy at all! Upon realizing that I did not, in fact, have anything at all for them, they shook in disbelief,
and peered woefully over their shoulders as they waddled dismally away.
Never have I felt so guilty for not having a crust of bread handy or anything! But luckily, my naturalist instincts kicked in and the guilt didn't last.
Anyway, see how engaging they can be?! I also was able to mark a species on my list that I didn't think I would ever see: a white-cheeked pintail!
All my guides say that they are strays from the West Indies that occur only in Florida and the Gulf states. So what is he doing here?? Maybe he's an escapee from the zoo or something. Anyway, pretty little bird.
I also got some nice shots of a couple of other birds when I was on the beach.
I think wigeons are pretty with their blue bills, white foreheads, and green eyestripes.
This flock of grebes has been around a couple of days. Any guesses on what type they are?
I never realized how much red coots have on their faces.
These three white-fronted geese were sleeping, so I was able to sneak up pretty close.
They were very relaxed and weren't really bothered by me at all.
When they look right at you they look so funny with that white shield round their bills!
Very pretty birds.
Have a nice day y'all!
Anyway, see how engaging they can be?! I also was able to mark a species on my list that I didn't think I would ever see: a white-cheeked pintail!
I also got some nice shots of a couple of other birds when I was on the beach.
Happy Valentines Day!
Love you,
Those are some really good shots! Very beautiful.
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