Today was one of those wierd off the wall days around here. Not really a bad day cause you were able to laugh at yourself for everything you did, but not really your brightest moments either. Usually I like to keep these moments secret and too myself for as long as possible (generally hard to do thanks to my darling sister, Vanessa) but today I just feel like sharing.
So I've been putting out job applications here and there around town ever since I got back. Finally, somebody-Sears-gave me an interview for today at 10a.m. Exciting right? Well, I wasn't so sure about it. It was for a sales position selling things like washing machines and Bowflex and riding mowers all on commission only. So I was kind of like oh goody. Cause that really isn't what I want to do. But I'm desperate and thrilled to pieces to have an interview, finally. So I go and interview, but, shockingly, don't get that job. Which, I'll admit, didn't bum me out too much, and it was really kind of cool because my interviewer is going to give my info to the cashier manager and I should be getting a call for a second interview soon. So keep your fingers crossed for me! Cashiering is a lot better than selling washing machines in my opinion!
So after the interview I decide to go home cause I have a couple of hours to kill. Sadly, I can't get in the door because guess what?! Us kids don't have house keys and Mom was at the gym, therefore the house was locked up tight. Not even a window open! So I sit around for a while and decide well geez, I'm just going to go to the gym and get the house key. So I head to the gym and actually catch Mom as she is leaving, which was great. We had some shopping to do so we both headed over to Safeway. As I am getting out of the car, I'm like "Wow, why is it beeping like that? The lights are off..." and I close the door after locking it like I always do. As soon as the door is closed I immediately realize that my keys are safely locked in the car where NO ONE can get to them! Oh no! The horror and embarassment! Luckily my support crew was manning his phone and was able to get a locksmith's number for me and Mom and Vanessa were right there with me so it wasn't too bad. But how horrible, both car keys locked in the car, I must be getting really blonde out here in this California sunshine!
We also went for another hike on BLM land today. It was another beautiful day and there were tons of spring flowers and great views of the Sacramento River, but it was just kind of a blah hike all the same. The first one with the cows was much better. Anyway, what a crazy day! If nothing else at least it wasn't boring!
yeah, it was a pretty lame hike, but it'll be great on the bikes!
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