Friday, March 28, 2008

Poor Beethoven!

My poor betta Beethoven has sure had a stressful three days!
On Wednesday I cleaned his bowl and he had to be caught and put back in his little tupperware container. I was worried about putting him in the fresh water because I didn't know if I'd gotten the right amount of de-chlorinator in. But he is still alive, so that is good!On Thursday I was trying to feed him and lifted the plant up and all the marbles from the plant's base cascaded down into his bowl! Poor dude, his little heart definitely got a workout that morning! And then today on my break I of course had to fix my mistake with the marbles, so I was fishing for marbles in his bowl while he swam frantically around. Poor little fella, at least I know he won't have any blocked arteries or anything after all the near heartattacks I have probably given him! At any rate I don't think he'll have to exercise with his mirror for a couple of days!


Anonymous said...

poor little guy! cool pics though! :)

Anonymous said...

This is a test. None of my comments are coming thru. What gives? Joyce