My poor betta Beethoven has sure had a stressful three days!
On Wednesday I cleaned his bowl and he had to be caught and put back in his little tupperware container. I was worried about putting him in the fresh water because I didn't know if I'd gotten the right amount of de-chlorinator in. But he is still alive, so that is good!
On Thursday I was trying to feed him and lifted the plant up and all the marbles from the plant's base cascaded down into his bowl! Poor dude, his little heart definitely got a workout that morning! And then today on my break I of course had to fix my mistake with the marbles, so I was fishing for marbles in his bowl while he swam frantically around. Poor little fella, at least I know he won't have any blocked arteries or anything after all the near heartattacks I have probably given him! At any rate I don't think he'll have to exercise with his mirror for a couple of days!
Friday, March 28, 2008
Poor Beethoven!
Posted by Veronica at 6:26 PM 2 comments
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Today's Fun
After cold, dreary yesterday, Vanessa and I were more than ready to hit the trails and get out in the sunshine today! Shockingly, we decided not to go to Oakslough Trail (our current favorite for hiking and mountain biking) but instead to find Whiskeytown Falls. Interestingly enough, nobody knew about these falls for forty years. When the land for the park was being purchased in the 1960's park staff came across it, but kept its location a secret because the sellers did not know of the falls' existence. When the then superintendent suddenly passed away and staff members left and were replaced the falls were forgotten and lost. It wasn't until 2005 that Whiskeytown Falls were found again. Apparently there had been rumors about its existence and a few locals even knew where it was, but unless you knew exactly how to get there it was impossible to find.The trail to the falls is actually an old logging road from the 1950s and is rated as moderately difficult. I back that fully! You start out hiking at 2000ft in elevation and climb an additional 700ft on a very up and down single track trail. My lungs were screaming by the time we got to the Falls! And the hike back down definitely exercised my legs!
After about a 20 minute hike we reached the falls. At no point on the falls can you see them in their entirety. In fact, the only way to see the entire fall is from the air!
Vanessa and I took the trail up the falls, but it only goes about 3/4 of the way up.
This is the middle part of the falls. I don't know if you can see it in this picture, but there is ice on those rocks!
Vanessa and I had a wonderful time this morning on our hour hike and are now off to do a little bit of shopping at the Outlet Malls and to catch a movie! Hope you all have a good day!
Posted by Veronica at 5:23 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Springtime Activities
With spring so obviously here, we all have had horrible cases of spring fever! Luckily, we've mostly been able to ease it with all the cool things there are to do here!Skipping rocks on the Sacramento River is always fun and I always need the practice! Plus the walk through the woods to get to the good skippin' spots is a definite bonus to this particular activity!
Vanessa and I, particularly Vanessa, are crazy about kite flying! You know those incredibly sunny blue days when the sky is almost too blue and you just have to put a little color up there? Well we've been having quite a few of those days lately!
And of course hiking! Our new favorite place to hike is Oakslough Trail on the BLM Lands, but anywhere is beautiful this time of the year. Just look at all those flowers! And I think you can see Lassen on the horizon.
And of course, skipping rocks! We sometimes enjoy staying out late and scaring ourselves silly on the walk back to the car through the deep woods of Anderson River Park. The last time we did it we heard turkeys gobbling and all kinds of weird things rustling around in the undergrowth. I love the moon in this picture by the way!
I hope your springtime activities have been as much fun as ours and that you are all enjoying the season!
Posted by Veronica at 5:36 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Happy Spring!
Posted by Veronica at 1:41 PM 4 comments
Sunday, March 23, 2008
New Job
I have a job! I am finally employed!!!!Hooray!!! Yes, I am know a server at Buz's Crab Shack, Redding's nearly world famous version of San Francisco's Fisherman's Wharf. I started this Friday, of all days to start since it was not only Friday, but Good Friday and the place was hoppin', and worked today. So far it is good, I don't mind it. Anyway, how about a mini tour of the place?
This is the Fish Market, which is attached to the restaurant and a place that I have nothing to do with. Or I don't think I do, they haven't said anything anyway...The people who work there are very nice and smell like fish, just like the rest of us.
And this is where I spend all seven or eight hours of my shift. Cleaning these lovely tables. In fact, I have cleaned this particular one only about a hundred times in the past two days. I'm getting really good at wiping down tables...:) So it isn't a glamour job or anything, but it is a job and is really easy money so I think I'll stick with it for a while! Anyway, I just had to share that exciting news with you!
Posted by Veronica at 1:17 AM 3 comments
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Monday, March 17, 2008
St. Patrick's Day
May your day be touched by a bit of Irish luck, brightened by a song in your heart, and warmed by the smiles of the people you love!
Posted by Veronica at 1:05 PM 2 comments
Saturday, March 15, 2008
A Visitor!
Wow, I'm only just finding the time to sit down and write a post about all the excitement we had showing our corner of the world to Joe, who left sunny, warm Key West to come spend a week with us here in northern California.
Then we spent two days on the coast. We went to Samoa Island hoping to see the seals, but they weren't there. The shell collecting was primo though.
And was the water as cold as it looked?
Posted by Veronica at 6:59 PM 2 comments