Saturday, February 5, 2011

Busy, Busy

Well, I really thought I'd be able to stay on top of posting this semester! What with one thing and another...anyway. I'm posting now, lol!

Until this morning, the weather has been gorgeous! After all my belly aching about the fog and the rain and the clouds and the wind... well, after this sunny weather and hearing about the weather relatives further east are experiencing (yuck!) Humboldt weather is pretty decent! I mean, the fruit trees, wildflowers, rhodendrons, daffodils, roses, all kinds of things are blooming! In January/February! And, because I have the gardening bug really bad this spring, I was looking at our gardening zone and we are in the same zone as south Florida, San Diego and other such warm, tropical places. Very, very interesting... :)
Anyway, here are some pictures I took of some of the blooms.

The manzanita bushes are blooming and making the bees very happy!

A type of sorrel. I walk by these everyday and they only seem to open when they are in the sun. I can relate to that!

A dandelion. I think they actually bloom year-round here.

Are there any flowers blooming in your area?