Halloween! But not in that order! Yes, I am finally going to post about our wonderful Key West Halloween and how much fun we had.
Lets start with costumes. Marianna and I had great, wonderful, superb costumes, and were the only ones in the entire marina who even dressed up. What is wrong with all those retired military folk eh? Anyway, Marianna and I looked beautiful and had a lot of fun in our costumes. She was a princess, or Queen Anne (?) of Hungary, who became a saint.
Lets start with costumes. Marianna and I had great, wonderful, superb costumes, and were the only ones in the entire marina who even dressed up. What is wrong with all those retired military folk eh? Anyway, Marianna and I looked beautiful and had a lot of fun in our costumes. She was a princess, or Queen Anne (?) of Hungary, who became a saint.
I was, of course, knockout, drop dead, jaw dropping gorgeous as a '30's movie star, or flapper, depending on who you asked!
As you can see and possibly guess, we went up to the Chief's Club to celebrate. Marianna wanted to make brownies and did an excellent job as they were delicious!
We invited our friend and neighbor, Joe, to go with us and had a really great time playing him at shuffleboard and ping pong. I don't think I won at shuffleboard, but I kicked his tail at ping pong! I still grin about it! I haven't asked him if I can post a picture of him yet though, so won't this post. Maybe later, after I ask his permission.
So our costumes were great and we had a ton of fun. But what about the pumpkins you ask? They kicked tail! Vanessa thinks her's was awesome?! No way! Not compared to ours. Thats not bragging either, that's fact! Check them out:
And finally, check out who we saw in town on Halloween!
Sounds fun!
Hi Really good looking brownies!!!!Oh yeah and the costumes are alright. However I must take exception to this carving contest.......No one and I mean No one has said diddly squat about my pumpkin!!!!and it was the best of them all. So there children take lessons from the master cleaneroutter and carver.
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