Man, lately I've had a lot of opportunities come up and a lot of rather big decisions to make. It seems like I've had a lot of big decisions this year. While we were still in Maui, I had to decide between University of Hawaii at Hilo and College of the Ozarks. Sometimes I think I chose the wrong one since C of O waitlisted and then rejected me. I had placed too many eggs in that basket for it not to hurt and that disappointment pretty much took the wind out of my sails for colleges at that point. I didn't even finish applying to University of Montana at Missoula, but since I wasn't that enthusiastic about it anyway, it didn't really matter to me.
Then when we moved to California I made the decision to give up all the hardwork I had been doing at Kihei Charter School for a diploma to instead study for and accept a GED. I was both thrilled to get away from the crushing workload I had at KCS (four high school classes and four college classes) and deeply disappointed in myself for giving up. I still think it was the healthy decision though as the work was getting to be way too much. In California, we (Mom, Dad, and I) decided to check at the local high schools to see if they would accept my troublesome two years of homeschool credits so that I could get a diploma. One, Oakview High School-an alternative adult education school-was fine with it. I completed two classes in a month and graduated the number one student in a class of 110. The only thing left for me to do was take the California High School Exit Examination (CAHSEE), pass it, and recieve my diploma. So I waited until July and took the exam, then had to wait another six weeks to get the results.
In the meantime, I had two options that could radically change my life. I could get a Wal-Mart type job in Anderson and take a few classes at Redding Community College until I became a California Resident and could afford to take a full load, or I could move to the Florida Keys and work with my brother-in-law, Hal, as a diesel mechanic and general boat repairer, making $30 an hour beginning wage.
I chose to move to the Keys and learn to be a diesel mechanic. Much more exciting and dynamic than being a Wal-Mart hostess and part time student at a small community college. In Florida I would be living on a sailboat, learning a unique skill that I could use throughout my life, and doing something not as small town as taking the boring, static Wal-Mart job and attending community college. Where is the challenge in that? I love, love, love northern California, but I needed more than just the recreation to keep me there. I needed mental challenges at least. And I have that here in Florida. I gave up most of the recreation, but I am constantly learning and I love it. Work is good and we've got a lot of it to do.
Now, however, I have been presented with a new decision. Humboldt State University is having an open house on October 27 and will have instant acceptance. Mom, Dad, and Jennifer all want me to go and attend Humboldt. I don't know what I want to do. I am happy here right now, but I do want to go to college. Should I go to the Open House, or should I just send in an application for the spring term? I have a lot of thinking to do. Thank goodness I have a peaceful week ahead in which to do it.
Do you have any suggestions?
Do I stay in Florida,

My vote is for Humbolt! I'm certain with your scores you'll get a great scholarship package, Veronica! Besides, it is a college right up your alley, my marine biology lovin' sister!
I agree with should go to University.
First of all, many congratulations on your test scores. Second, I have been to the web site of Humboldt and I want to go there. What an incredible place and there are so many options for everything, not just classes. My vote is Humboldt!! I thought it particularly interesting you can register by just showing up on the campus in several weeks. Please, please let me go with you. I know this is going to be a tough decision but you will make the right choice. Love you lots.
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