Thursday, December 20, 2007
I am
Posted by Veronica at 10:09 AM 1 comments
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Just a Quick Update
Just a quick update for you all out there who are wondering what I've been up to lately. Well, besides work on the boat, I've been putting in job applications at various places. So far I've applied to Home Depot-whom I haven't heard back from yet, West Marine-who I also have not heard from yet, and Sears- who has scheduled me for an interview Monday 17, at 10:00 am. Wow! Maybe I'll actually get a job sometime soon! Boy I hope so, cause I'm kind of getting tired of this whole job hunting thing and being picky.
I did check out the USAJobs website, but there is nothing here in Key West that I am qualified for. So the next application to be submitted will be at MWR here on base. Maybe they'll have something eh? Cross your fingers for me!
Posted by Veronica at 11:55 AM 3 comments
Monday, December 10, 2007
I see tons of different kinds of birds down here all the time and so decided to show you some pictures. Besides, basic bird id is about all I'm up to tonite as I think I'm coming down with a cold. So enjoy the pics. :) Anhinga in the Everglades.
Either a lempkin or an immature glossy ibis.
A crow. (Wow!)
A laughing gull and some little blue herons.
Posted by Veronica at 5:00 PM 2 comments
Saturday, December 8, 2007
Finnegan's Wake
Known for their great beer and better chicken wings, Finnegan's Wake is one of our favorite places in Key West. They attract quite the sports crowd too, surprising to me (who knows soo much about bars and Irish pubs in particular). We go for the food (Marianna and I) and the beer (Jen and Hal and everyone else I know who is over 21). One of our (Marianna's) favorite things to do here is play chess. I don't particularly care for that game as some of you may know because I always lose horribly, but on this day, I felt that I could handle the ignominy of defeat. Instead I was surprised with a pleasant victory, and it's not because Hal helped me, because he didn't. Or not really. Until the very end anyway! :P
Posted by Veronica at 11:22 PM 4 comments
Joe is a retired (for 1 week) Navy hospital corpsman.
Posted by Veronica at 3:45 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
For Dad
We were out looking at potential boats for me this past weekend and got to go through some pretty sweet, er, interesting neighborhoods. For example, check out this house.
Now look at this picture.
Posted by Veronica at 5:43 PM 2 comments
Monday, December 3, 2007

Posted by Veronica at 7:20 AM 3 comments
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Fall in Key West
Posted by Veronica at 8:55 AM 2 comments
Friday, November 23, 2007
Thanksgiving Dinner - My Favorite Meal of the Year
I felt like I should take a couple and hide them around the house for later. :)
Marianna did a superb job helping me set the table.
Her napkin folding skills are truly amazing!
I thought this candle was pretty cool so included it. Maybe not very Thanksgivingish, but pretty. The rim is really cool.
And the table was groaning under all the food!
Marianna and I were busy taking pictures of it all. What a feast though, huh?!
Uh oh. Do you see what I see in that picture? Somebody was sneaking food!
Hal did a really excellent job carving the delicious turkey (You taught Jen well, Mom, she really outdid herself on this meal!)
Marianna was ready for it too, boy! She had purposely eaten very little of the appetizers and was starving. She really enjoyed the meal! Ah! Here comes food! Time to put the camera away!
Posted by Veronica at 7:59 AM 2 comments
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Pumpkins, Brownies, Princesses and Ping Pong=
Lets start with costumes. Marianna and I had great, wonderful, superb costumes, and were the only ones in the entire marina who even dressed up. What is wrong with all those retired military folk eh? Anyway, Marianna and I looked beautiful and had a lot of fun in our costumes. She was a princess, or Queen Anne (?) of Hungary, who became a saint.
I was, of course, knockout, drop dead, jaw dropping gorgeous as a '30's movie star, or flapper, depending on who you asked!
As you can see and possibly guess, we went up to the Chief's Club to celebrate. Marianna wanted to make brownies and did an excellent job as they were delicious!
We invited our friend and neighbor, Joe, to go with us and had a really great time playing him at shuffleboard and ping pong. I don't think I won at shuffleboard, but I kicked his tail at ping pong! I still grin about it! I haven't asked him if I can post a picture of him yet though, so won't this post. Maybe later, after I ask his permission.
So our costumes were great and we had a ton of fun. But what about the pumpkins you ask? They kicked tail! Vanessa thinks her's was awesome?! No way! Not compared to ours. Thats not bragging either, that's fact! Check them out:
And finally, check out who we saw in town on Halloween!
Posted by Veronica at 2:45 PM 2 comments